

Oracle iLOM

How to reset ILOM password from Solaris

Execute the following command from Solaris physical machine to reset ILOM password: Note: The below might work on Linux and Windows if it has the ipmitool installed. ipmitool user set password 0x02 NEW_PASSWORD Note: Where 0x02 is the root user and NEW_PASSWORD is the new desired password for the ILOM.

Obtaining a servers serial number using the ilom or ipmi

To obtain the ILOM serial number Type the following command: show /SYS product_serial_number The following is an example of the results of this command /SYS Properties: product_serial_number = 0723BBC006 This serial number should always match the serial number returned by service tags on the host; it should also match the serial number on the label …

Obtaining a servers serial number using the ilom or ipmi Read More »

Sun fire T5140-T5240 initial boot process

To start a Sun fire T5120/T5220/T5140/T5240/blades first login with login password Login: root Password: changeme Then power on the server. -> start /SYS Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y Starting /SYS Then connect to the consloe -> start /SP/console Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y To start …

Sun fire T5140-T5240 initial boot process Read More »