

load balancer

Using Traefik As Your Ingress Controller Combined With MetalLB On Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2

Using Traefik As Your Ingress Controller Behind MetalLB On Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2 This is Part 2 – Using Traefik As Your Ingress Controller Behind MetalLB On Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster. In Part 1 you can see how to install / configure MetalLBon your Kubernetes Cluster, in Part 2 I …

Using Traefik As Your Ingress Controller Combined With MetalLB On Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 2 Read More »

Using MetalLB And Traefik Load Balancing For Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 1

Using MetalLB And Traefik for Load balancing on your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 1 Running a Kubernetes Cluster in your own data center on Bare Metal hardware can be lots of fun but also can be challenging. One of the changeless are exposing your service to an external Load Balancer, Kubernetes does not …

Using MetalLB And Traefik Load Balancing For Your Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 1 Read More »

Updated: Using Consul For Service Discovery In Multiple Data Centers Version 1.4 – part 2

Configuring Consul for Service Discovery in a Multiple Data Centers This is part two on Configuring Consul for Service Discovery in a Multiple Data Centers using version 1.4, to see part 1 click here. Note: You might also want to read the original post which was using version 0.9.2, by going here part 1 and …

Updated: Using Consul For Service Discovery In Multiple Data Centers Version 1.4 – part 2 Read More »

Updated: Using Consul For Service Discovery in Multiple Data Centers Version 1.4 – Part 1

Configuring Consul for Service Discovery in a Multiple Data Centers Since my last post on how to configure Consul for Service Discovery in a Multi Data Center, a number of things have changed and got updated. You can see the original post by going here part 1 and here part 2, the original write-up was …

Updated: Using Consul For Service Discovery in Multiple Data Centers Version 1.4 – Part 1 Read More »

Using Consul for Service Discovery in Multiple Data Centers – Part 2

Consul configuration in a multi Data Center environment This is part two on how to configure Consul in a multi Data Center environment. Click here for part one. Note: An updated post using the most recent version of Consul (version 1.4.2) is available here, the below configuration will work with consul version 0.9.2 and below. …

Using Consul for Service Discovery in Multiple Data Centers – Part 2 Read More »

Using Consul for Service Discovery In Multiple Data Centers – Part 1

Consul configuration in a multi Data Center environment Below I am going to describe how to use Consul Health Checking across Multiple Data Centers. A picture is worth a thousand words, the diagram below describes a high level overview of the Consul multi Data Center architecture. Consul Multi Data Center Diagram below are the highlights …

Using Consul for Service Discovery In Multiple Data Centers – Part 1 Read More »