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Selecting the right multi-cloud management software is not easy

I am currently researching how how to architect our multi-cloud strategy. Part of the research is selecting the right software helping managing, maintain and life-cycle a multi cloud environment, this includes management and cost.
Cloud and more specific multi / hybrid cloud can get very complex and can get very expansive if not maintained, configured correctly from the beginning.
Below is a partial list of vendors I am currently researching. all notes should be used with grain of salt as I am still unclear and in research phase.
Right Scale Can be a bit expansive – but very good plus is now for a while in the market (since 2006). Scalr Free (open source) or paid version adds support and features. Cloud Bolt Defiantly promising – a more new comer (funded 2012). Standing Cloud Used for Software deployment in multi cloud – think of a private SaaS part of App Direct –

Vendors that got acquired

Enstratius Enstratius forward to Now owned by Dell (Quest) Cliqr May not be an option anymore – they are now owned by Cisco Gravitant was acquired by IBM Easily plan, buy and manage multi cloud.

Cost management and monitoring

New Relic An established and very good company for monitoring (your cloud). Cloud cruiser Help you in cost savings in a cloud environment – now owned by hp
I most defiantly missed vendors as this is all time a fast moving/changing market.

Multi-Cloud Software Installation

Testing Scalr software for multi cloud use

My first pick was Scalr, since the software is open source, and it was very easy to put my hands on. Installation and Upgrade Instructions Anther one – Installation and Upgrade Instructions
And yet anther one – Installation and Upgrade Instructions
curl -s | sudo bash

Note: I was using Ubuntu 16.10 and Scalr server refused to install, I had to change the version to precise
modify /etc/apt/sources.list.d/scalr_scalr-server-oss.list replace os version to “precise”
cat Downloads/scalr_scalr-server-oss.list
# this file was generated by for
# the repository at

deb precise main
deb-src precise main
Now install scalr server
apt-get install -y scalr-server
And run the wizard
scalr-server-ctl reconfigure
Note: do not run this on same server as chef (as it has his own chef) To configure your cloud connection you use the Scalr Web GUI The login is is : admin Note: get the admin password from here /etc/scalr-server/scalr-server-secrets.json
So far configuring OpenStack and AWS connections was a very pleasant experience, I am still working on GCP and azure.
Note: For now I only accomplished so far, I will update this post once additional information becomes available
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