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Enable docker

svcadm enable svc:/application/docker/docker

Configure base Solaris image

docker-support create-base-image

# With name service configuration (example xml at the end of post)
docker-support create-base-image -p ./sc.xml

Run base test image

docker run -it solaris

not working yet

docker commit 8dbd9e392a96 elis_img
Make sure firewall service is up
Create a container
docker run -ti -d --name=WebApp -p 9888:9888 -p 4443:443 solaris

# auto-restart
docker run -ti -d --restart=always --name=WebApp -p 9888:9888 -p 4443:443 solaris
docker stop WebApp
docker rm WebApp
list runing
docker ps

#list all
docker ps -a


Playing with Solaris related images

docker search solaris
NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
dparrish/rollout                  Rollout is a system developed to automate ...   2                    [OK]
roobixx/docker-dg                 DansGuardian is an award winning Open Sour...   2                    [OK]
jamesandariese/go-solaris-amd64                                                   0                    [OK]
solarisbank/erlang                Erlang base image for SolarisBank               0                    [OK]
solarisbank/zookeeper             Zookeeper Image for SolarisBank                 0                    [OK]
solarisbank/kafka                 Kafka Image for SolarisBank                     0                    [OK]

Now lets pull an image

docker pull docker pull dparrish/rollout
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from dparrish/rollout
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete 
76e26cb603d3: Pull complete 
6907bb4fcc1b: Pull complete 
f8c6bb2e03fb: Pull complete 
88e38cb14f06: Pull complete 
b792fe7f02c5: Pull complete 
d714da031cd3: Pull complete 
7a3f25d79ecf: Pull complete 
cca51b925525: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:8ddda1be76f307f94448806f2e1a93ddd23bc20a29dae64eab26d611aaf20bc8
Status: Downloaded newer image for dparrish/rollout:latest

Now list images

docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                   IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
solaris      bfc6e6a1b325        47 hours ago        1.056 GB
solaris             latest                bfc6e6a1b325        47 hours ago        1.056 GB
dparrish/rollout    latest                4a4e80518c6d        19 months ago       178.6 MB

Now run the image

docker run -it dparrish/rollout
docker: Error response from daemon: Platform on which parent image was created is not Solaris.

# Of curse this fails... but will work for Solaris images

To create your image

docker run -it solaris
pkg install jdk-8
Once the container is down
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
cfd4f7279d9a        solaris             "/bin/sh -c /bin/bash"   4 minutes ago       Exited (0) 3 seconds ago                       pedantic_boyd

docker commit cfd4f7279d9a solaris/eli

docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                   IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
solaris/eli         latest                239f7d5a95d8        7 minutes ago       1.345 GB
solaris      bfc6e6a1b325        47 hours ago        1.056 GB
solaris             latest                bfc6e6a1b325        47 hours ago        1.056 GB
dparrish/rollout    latest                4a4e80518c6d        19 months ago       178.6 MB
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