

While playing with Kernel Zones on Solaris 11.2 I noticed that once a ZFS volume is shared over iSCSI, while I can create a snapshot of it, I can’t roll it back – I get “volume is busy” error message. I found a way to do it:


# stmfadm delete-lu 600144F0A613C900000054521D550001
# zfs rollback pool/idisk0@snap1
# stmfadm import-lu /dev/zvol/rdsk/pool/idisk0
Logical unit imported: 600144F0A613C900000054521D550001
# stmfadm add-view 600144F0A613C900000054521D550001

Although this should be easier…

The iSCSI lun contains a kernel zone image just after it was installed. However now I couldn’t boot into it:

# zoneadm -z kz1 attach
zone 'kz1': error: Encryption key not available. See solaris-kz(5) for configuration migration
zone 'kz1': procedure or restore /etc/zones/keys/kz1.

Right, the man page explains it all – there is a host meta data needed to boot a kernel zone, which is encrypted. Since I rolled back the ZFS volume to a previous installation the encryption key stored in the zone’s configuration is no longer valid. I had to re-create it:

# zoneadm -z kz1 attach -x initialize-hostdata
# zoneadm -z kz1 boot

And now it booted just fine.

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