

Installing and configuring VCS/VXvM two node cluster

The application example below uses IBM Informix DB server

Hardware System installation

Note: The Below example uses 2 Sun fire M5000 servers for the hardware.
For the full XSCF configuration click here.

IP and FC port Layout

Below is an example of the Network and Fiber Channel layout.

informix1 – rack1
Network – informix1-xscf

IOU#0 – right-side

Server Port Switch Port Vlan
pcie4/port-0 113/9/sw-a 20
pcie4/port-3 113/10/sw-a private
IOU#1 – left-side

Server Port Switch Port Vlan
pcie4/port-0 113/9/sw-b 20
pcie4/port-3 113/10/sw-b private
Fiber Chanel
Server Port MDF Port FC Switch Port
IOU#0/0 MDF-A/113/3 DCX 1/23
IOU#0/1 MDF-B/113/3 DCX 2/23
IOU#1/0 MDF-A/113/4 DCX 1/23
IOU#1/1 MDF-B/113/4 DCX 2/23
informix2 – rack2
Network – informix2-xscf

IOU#0 – right-side

Server Port Switch Port Vlan
pcie4/port-0 120/3/sw-a 20
pcie4/port-3 120/4/sw-a private
IOU#1 – left-side

Server Port Switch Port Vlan
pcie4/port-0 120/3/sw-b 20
pcie4/port-3 120/4/sw-b private
Fiber Chanel
Server Port MDF Port FC Switch Port
IOU#0/0 MDF-A/120/1 DCX 1/24
IOU#0/1 MDF-B/120/1 DCX 2/24
IOU#1/0 MDF-A/120/2 DCX 1/24
IOU#1/1 MDF-B/120/2 DCX 2/24

xscf login information

Next will login to the physical domain VCS will be installed (assuming xscf install was completed described here).

login: admin
password: *****

Install the server with jumpstart

Note: The install below still uses Solaris 10 (which uses a jumpstart server for the OS install), a similar OS install can be done in Solaris 11.x by using an AI server.

The below add_install_client options where used to install the client
/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/Solaris_10/Tools/add_install_client -e 0:21:28:71:4b:1a \
-c global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/conf \
-s global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009 \
-p global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/conf informix1 sun4u
/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/Solaris_10/Tools/add_install_client -e 0:21:28:67:83:96 \
-c global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/conf \
-s global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009 \
-p global:/rpool/opsproxy2/root/jumpstart/installs/sol10-1009/conf informix2 sun4u
After configuration was done, the fowling commend was issued to jumpstart the servers
# On informix1-xscf
{2c} ok show-nets
a) /pci@13,700000/network@0,3
[...] snip
d) /pci@13,700000/network@0 --- This was used nxge8
[...] snip
boot /pci@13,700000/network@0 - install
# On informix2-xscf
{29} ok show-nets
a) /pci@13,700000/network@0,3
[...] snip
j) /pci@3,700000/network@0 --- This was used nxge0
[...] snip
boot /pci@3,700000/network@0 - install
grep informix /etc/hosts     informix1     informix2

cat rules

hostname informix1 - m5000_zfs
hostname informix2 - m5000_zfs

cat m5000_zfs

install_type initial_install
cluster SUNWCall
pool rpool auto 16g auto mirror any any
bootenv installbe bename s10s_u9wos_14a dataset /var

cat sysidcfg

network_interface=PRIMARY {netmask= protocol_ipv6=no default_route=}

Preparing the systems for VCS

Setup a ZFS mirrored pool system & VCS data
zpool create -f informix_data mirror c1t0d0 c1t1d0
Create informix user and group
/etc/passwd - informix:x:100:100::/usr/informix:/bin/bash
/etc/shadow - informix:XXXXXXXXXXX:13119::::::
/etc/group - informix::100:
Create an informix directory
zfs create -o mountpoint=/usr/informix informix_data/informix
chown informix:informix /usr/informix

Installing & configuring VCS

ssh-keygen -t dsa/rsa/rs1
informix1 - cat /.ssh/*.pub >/tmp/a
informix2 - cat /.ssh/*.pub >/tmp/b
scp a/b informix1:/tmp & informix2:/tmp
cat /tmp/a or /tmp/b >> authorized_keys
Make available the web installer
cd /informix_data/installs/dvd1-sol_sparc

Install and select VCS options

Note: Connect your browser to server:14161, enter root login/password

# Example

Note: Make sure to specify both nodes, the install will then auto install all pkgs on both nodes

  • Run first a pre-install check, if successful
  • Select Storage Foundation and High Availability, and follow install steps below

When done, Select Storage Foundation for Cluster file system/HA, and run the installer

Now we are ready to run the Cluster Configuration

  • The cluster Name was set to informix-cluster
  • the private interfaces was selected as nxge3 and nxge7
  • Create a cluster admin account with password when prompted
  • Add ass mail server
  • Follow the rest of the install till completed
Install the Acc library on both nodes
pkgadd -d VRTSacclib.pkg
Install the informix agent on both nodes
cd /informix_data/installs/solaris/sol_sparc/vcs/database/informix_agent/5.0/
pkgadd -d . VRTSinformix
Add the agent to the cluster framework – on one node only
cd /tmp
mkdir ./temp
cd ./temp
cp /etc/VRTSagents/ha/conf/Informix/ .
echo 'include ""' >
/opt/VRTS/bin/hacf -verify .
/opt/VRTS/bin/haconf -makerw
sh main.cmd
/opt/VRTS/bin/haconf -dump
Modify the agent configuration

The Informix agent configuration file will need to be modified with the correct values

Informix instance name
  • make sure to use the informix instance virtual name in the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS file.

Note: Use a virtual host name it ensures that if the application needs to be migrated, you are not tied down by the physical IP address given to the IBM Informix Dynamic Server.

demo_on ontlitcp sqlexec

System tuning

Next lets do some system tuning before we move on to informix VXvM configuration.

System changes


** limit ZFS cache to 10GB
set zfs:zfs_arc_max = 10737418240
** Systems may panic/trap during normal operation.
set heaplp_use_stlb=0
** A large number of spurious PCIe correctable errors can be recorded in the FMA error log
set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask=0x31c1


setprop client.buflim 40m
setprop client.memlim 40m

Informix volume groups – VxVM Configuration

Initialize disk groups
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_0100
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_0200
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_0300
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_0400
Create informix database disk group
vxdg -s init ifxdb ifxdb01=tagmastore-usp0_0100
vxdg -g ifxdb adddisk ifxdb02=tagmastore-usp0_0200
vxdg -g ifxdb adddisk ifxdb03=tagmastore-usp0_0300
vxdg -g ifxdb adddisk ifxdb04=tagmastore-usp0_0400

# Verify
vxdisk list
Initialize Cluster fencing disk group
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_000a
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_000b
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_000c
Create Cluster I/O fencing disk group
vxdg -s init votingdg votingdg01=tagmastore-usp0_000a
vxdg -g votingdg adddisk votingdg02=tagmastore-usp0_000b
vxdg -g votingdg adddisk votingdg03=tagmastore-usp0_000c
Configure I/O fencing

Select votingdg disk group

/opt/VRTS/install/installsfcfs -fencing
Configure Sub Disks

Get the the disk block count – free disk space

vxdg -g ifxdb free
Create the sub disk (get the size from the last col in the free output)

# My example
vxmake -g ifxdb sd ifxdb01-01 ifxdb01,0,841377920
vxmake -g ifxdb sd ifxdb02-01 ifxdb02,0,841377920
vxmake -g ifxdb sd ifxdb03-01 ifxdb03,0,841377920
vxmake -g ifxdb sd ifxdb04-01 ifxdb04,0,561480448

Note: I used 4 sets, which will be describe below.

Create Set 1

Create sub disks and plex
# Create sub disks
while [ $count -lt 266 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb sd db-s1-d${name}_1 ifxdb01,${count}g,2g ;count=`expr $count + 2`;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create plex
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb plex db-s1-p${name}_1 sd=db-s1-d${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create volume and set permission
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb vol s1-vol${name} user=informix group=informix mode=660 plex=db-s1-p${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Start the volumes (startall didn't work, possibly a bug)
while [ $count -lt 134 ]; do vxvol -g ifxdb -f start s1-vol${count} ;count=`expr $count + 1`; done

Create Set 2

Create sub disks and plex
# Create sub disks
while [ $count -lt 266 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb sd db-s2-d${name}_1 ifxdb02,${count}g,2g ;count=`expr $count + 2`;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create plex
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb plex db-s2-p${name}_1 sd=db-s2-d${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create volume and set permission
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb vol s2-vol${name} user=informix group=informix mode=660 plex=db-s2-p${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Start the volumes (startall didn't work, possibly a bug)
while [ $count -lt 134 ]; do vxvol -g ifxdb -f start s2-vol${count} ;count=`expr $count + 1`; done

Create Set 3

Create sub disks and plex
# Create sub disks
while [ $count -lt 266 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb sd db-s3-d${name}_1 ifxdb03,${count}g,2g ;count=`expr $count + 2`;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create plex
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb plex db-s3-p${name}_1 sd=db-s3-d${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create volume and set permission
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb vol s3-vol${name} user=informix group=informix mode=660 plex=db-s3-p${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Start the volumes (startall didn't work, possibly a bug)
while [ $count -lt 134 ]; do vxvol -g ifxdb -f start s3-vol${count} ;count=`expr $count + 1`; done

Create Set 4

Create sub disks and plex
# Create sub disks
while [ $count -lt 266 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb sd db-s4-d${name}_1 ifxdb04,${count}g,2g ;count=`expr $count + 2`;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create plex
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb plex db-s4-p${name}_1 sd=db-s4-d${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Create volume and set permission
while [ $name -lt 134 ]; do vxmake -g ifxdb vol s4-vol${name} user=informix group=informix mode=660 plex=db-s4-p${name}_1 ;name=`expr $name + 1`; done

# Start the volumes (startall didn't work, possibly a bug)
while [ $count -lt 134 ]; do vxvol -g ifxdb -f start s4-vol${count} ;count=`expr $count + 1`; done

Configure cache volumes

Initialize and add extra disk as cache used for snapshots.
vxdisksetup -i tagmastore-usp0_05e0
vxdg -g ifxdb adddisk cachevol01=tagmastore-usp0_05e0
vxassist -g ifxdb make cachevol 1023232000b layout=nostripe init=active cachevol01
Make sure the volumes are prepared
# Before prepare
vxprint -g ifxdb -F%instant s1-vol1 
vxprint -g ifxdb -F%fastresync s1-vol1 
# After prepare
vxprint -g ifxdb -F%instant s1-vol1
vxprint -g ifxdb -F%fastresync s1-vol1
Prepare the volumes
vxsnap -g ifxdb -f prepare s1-vol1
vxsnap -g ifxdb -f prepare s1-vol2
# Prepare all volumes
for i in `vxprint -v |awk '{print $2}'|egrep -v "^\$|group|NAME|dcl"`; do vxsnap -g ifxdb -f prepare $i drl=on; done

Create a space-optimized snapshot from s1-vol133 available as s1-vol133-snap1

Note: The size for changes are set as 775MB (meaning total change size)

vxsnap -g ifxdb make source=s1-vol133/newvol=s1-vol133-snap1/cachesize=775m/autogrow=yes
Create all snaps at once
echo 'vxsnap -g ifxdb make \' > /tmp/create_snap
vxprint -v |egrep -v "^\$|Disk|NAME|_dcl" |awk '{print "source="$2"/newvol="$2"-snap1/cachesize=775m/autogrow=yes \\"}' >>/tmp/create_snap
sh /tmp/create_snap

Note: If the above doesn’t work

for i in `vxprint -v |egrep -v "^\$|Disk|NAME|_dcl" |awk '{print $2}'`; do vxsnap -g ifxdb make source="$i"/newvol="$i"-snap1/cachesize=775m/autogrow=yes ;done

Check volume status

# Example output
vxsnap -g ifxdb print
s1-vol133 --           volume   --       --           --       100.00
        s1-vol133-snap1_snp  volume   --       s1-vol133-snap1 0.00     --    
s1-vol133-snap1 s1-vol133_snp volume   s1-vol133 --           0.00     0.00

Refresh all volumes

To resync/refresh all volumes, making the snaps like the source
Get a list of all the volumes to a file, then run it

vxsnap -g ifxdb print |grep -v snap1_snp|grep "snap1 " |awk '{print "vxsnap -g ifxdb refresh",$1}' >/tmp/
Restore(rollback) from target snapshot s1-vol133-snap1 to s1-vol133
vxsnap -g ifxdb restore s1-vol133 source=s1-vol133-snap1
echo 'vxsnap -g ifxdb -o iosize=10m restore \' >/tmp/restore_chunks
vxprint -v |egrep -v "^\$|Disk|NAME|_dcl|CV01|snap" |awk '{print $2,"source="$2"-snap1 \\"}' >>/tmp/restore_chunks
sh /tmp/restore_chunks
## Don't use
# Make sure to stop the db first
#vxprint -v |egrep -v "^\$|Disk|NAME|_dcl|snap" |awk '{print "vxsnap -g ifxdb restore",$2,"source="$2"-snap1"}' >/tmp/restore_chunks
#sh /tmp/restore_chunks

Destroy the snapshot

# Destroy the top volume of the snapshot (will leave dcl/drl)
vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s1-vol133-snap1
# will completely remove the snapshot drl/dcl etc... 
vxsnap -g ifxdb -f unprepare s1-vol133
# To remove just the snap
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s1-vol${i}-snap1; done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s2-vol${i}-snap1; done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s3-vol${i}-snap1; done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s4-vol${i}-snap1; done
# To remove the snap and prepare in the mess just run this loop
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s1-vol${i}-snap1; vxsnap -g ifxdb -f unprepare s1-vol${i};done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s2-vol${i}-snap1; vxsnap -g ifxdb -f unprepare s2-vol${i};done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s3-vol${i}-snap1; vxsnap -g ifxdb -f unprepare s3-vol${i};done
for i in {1..133}; do vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm s4-vol${i}-snap1; vxsnap -g ifxdb -f unprepare s4-vol${i};done
To create a snapshot for multiple volumes at once
vxsnap -g ifxdb make \
source=s1-vol1/newvol=s1-vol1-snap1/cachesize=2g/autogrow=yes \
source=s1-vol2/newvol=s1-vol2-snap1/cachesize=2g/autogrow=yes \

Experiment helpful

# Refreshing an instant snapshot
vxsnap [-g diskgroup] refresh snapvol [source=vol] \
[[snapvol2 source=vol2]...] [sync=yes|no]
# Restoring a volume from an instant snapshot
vxsnap [-g diskgroup] restore [nmirrors=number] vol \
[source=snapvol] [destroy=yes|no]
# Displaying instant snapshot information
vxsnap [-g diskgroup] print [vol]
vxsnap -g dg -vx list
Get all VxVM permeates
vxprint -g ifxdb -m |less
# Set fast sync on
vxvol -g  set fastresync=on s1-vol1_dcl

Problems / solutions

Cannot complete the snapshot operation.
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-6197 volume is busy in another operation
Verify from the ‘vxprint -g ‘ command if “TUTIL0 or PUTIL0” flags is set. If set, then perform the following command and then continue with the SNAP operation

# vxmend -g  clear all 

Remove disk plex or volumes

removes subdik with plex

vxedit -g ifxdb -rf rm ifxdb01-01
Removing a volume
vxedit -g ifxdb rm -f vol1
To remove a disk group with the disks
vxdg -g votingdg destroy votingdg
vxdisk rm tagmastore-usp0_000a

Additional commends

Disable/Enable VxVM DMP
vxdmpadm -f enable ctlr=c6
vxdmpadm list dmpnode all
Display Veritas fencing
vxfenadm -s all -f /etc/vxfentab
vxfenadm -x -k tagmastore-usp0_0100
vxfenadm -G all -f /etc/vxfentab

How to disable VCS auto monitor

Note: Once the preonline trigger is configured, you may see unexpected behavior
while manually switching or performing online operations on the Informix service
group. This behavior is a result of the control logic within the preonline trigger
that protects the Informix SDS Primary Secondary relationship. For system
maintenance, if you prefer to perform manual operations on the service groups,
you can do so by disabling the preonline trigger as follows:

# hagrp -modify service_group PreOnline 0
Switch and check primary secondary
switchprim Promotes the Informix SD Secondary Server to SD Primary
           Server. This action expects the name of the current/failed SD
           Primary Informix Instance as actionargs.
           This action is executed by preonline trigger in case of SD
           Primary failure.
           For example,
           # hares –action infx_inst2_res switchprim
           –actionargs infx_inst1 –sys infx_sys1
isprimary  Retrieves the Shared disk configuration of current informix
           instance i.e. it is configured as SD Primary or SD Secondary.
           For example,
           # hares –action infx_inst2_res isprimary –sys
Examples in our enverment
## Run on the primary to switch to secondary (in this example informix2 is the primary, and this is run on informix2)
hares -action informix-rs switchprim -actionargs infomrix1 -sys informix1
## Run on the secondary to make this primary (in this example informix2 is the primary, and we run this on infomrix1 to make it primary)
hares –action  isprimary informix1  –sys informix1 isprimary

VXS config files

To change VCS configuration

  • Modify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

To re-read the config files restart VCS with

  • Run hastop -all -force
  • Run hastart on each node
  • VCS logs
    vcs logs are located in /var/VRTSvcs/log, you could tail the engine_A.log or the Informix_A.log log. 
    How to start Informix agent
    haagent -start Informix -sys SystemName

    VCS/VxVM disable procedure

    Run the below commends on all cluster nodes to disable VCS and VxVM.

    hastop -all -force
    touch /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db 
    svcadm disable svc:/system/llt:default svc:/system/gab:default svc:/system/vcs:default

    Helpful links

    VCS configuration
    VxVM Cheat sheet
    VxVM layers
    VxVM volume Administration
    Oracle Cluster and zone HA
    VxVM snapshots / checkpoints

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